Monday 19 April 2010

the happenings continue

it is between 1971 1973,mummy often talks with an elderly man who lives 2 doors up according to him an old women lived in the house alone and then what happened to her he didn know but a builder bought the house made many alterations then quickly sold the house and moved to australia mummy said she never trusted the bit in the bath room behind the bath that it had been built out unnessasarily and was a waste of space in her opinion a body could have easily been walled up there this was a fancifull idea and seeing as no one would ever knock the space out we would never know but something happened in that house to cause these things to happen anyhow over the years i continued to sleep in my frightening room alone now as ld wanted my own room as i was growing up and Laura had wanted the loft and mummy went up there with her to sleep a lot of preparation took place in converting the loft i don't know how long it took my dad but he done it really well that was after he fell through the ceiling ,not completely just one foot and one leg and then came the big plaster patch in my ceiling always to remind us of the event.daddy bought all new quality wood and laid floorboards down ,he done cupboards all along the right and left side the loft was quite big as it went across the whole of the upstairs rooms a window was also fitted and this became Laura and mum mys rooms along with all of Laura's books as she was a book worm and read all the time where i would normally not get passed the front cover of a book unless it was really interesting mummy and Laura would go up a wooden ladder to the loft and us girls thought nothing of going up and down it even though the top of the ladder was extremely high and as the hall way from the stairs went up so high it was quite a drop down i wasn't scared of it then ,but cant get up it now I'm 47 and am scared of the height of it needless to say that mummy now aged 70 and with 2 walking sticks still goes up there even the stairs seem to narrow to me and i have to be very care full going up and down them at one time i used to fly down them but i was a lively girl then.this is now that was then and there was one time i think it was Christmas and the evenings were dark our house was always cosy but had this spooky air about it ,i remember Laura and mummy were in the loft and for some reason i had gone up the ladder and just stood at the top holding on to the bars i wish it would thunder and lightening i said to mummy at that moment the light in the loft went out and there was a flash of lightening followed by bellowing thunder then the loft light switched on again a toy dog that walked and barked of Laura's was walking across the floor and barking no one had touched the chain that you had to pull to make it go we had all gone cold from head to foot then the dog stopped you also had to pull the chain again to make it stop none of us had touched the toy this was again a notable experience much talked about and remembered over the years.some one had made that dog walk invisible hands that we couldn't see the happenings often involved our toys or our animals which by this time we had 2 dogs and 1 cat sandy .the same man at my dads work offered him another puppy Jane another girl dog a cute little Labrador with blue eyes and a sticky up tail was only a little baby miniature thing she grew into a massive heavy dog how i loved her and she was naughty in the cutest of ways we had so much fun with the dogs Jane always played up when my dad went out she would run round the table get all the cushions off the chairs throw them in the air and growl and chew them up .we also continued our game rah with both dogs more to the neighbours annoyance which we didn't even consider as we was just having innocent fun .i don't remember what age i was when i saw the ghost of a women in my room it was the only time i ever saw a ghost in that house,well no actually there was another thing of evil that i saw but this person i was not afraid of i remember i had been ill and it was morning about 7am i was just coming too when i heard my bedroom door open as it was a glass door it had a distinctive sound as it was opened and closed i opened my eyes expecting to see my mum or dad but a women of about my mums age at the time maybe 38 say stood there dressed in a long dress of the colour black she had long brown hair also like my mums she spoke its time for me to go now she said and with that she went and i heard my glass door close behind her i knew it wasn't any of my family but i asked them anyway have any of you just been in my room they all said no mummy and Laura hadn't been down from the loft and it certainly wasn't my dad i related my ghostly tale to them all they all believed me as i wasn't one for lying and any how they knew what this house was like i never again saw this women her dress was of the 18800s style i would say .

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