Monday 22 March 2010


I was born on a cold day in February it was snowing my mum had wanted a girl & i was the first of 2 girls coming into this world in 1963 i was born in mayday hospital London road Thornton heath though every one classes it as Croydon my first memory's are when i was about 3 everything before this mummy told me or photos tell the story.i think i was a happy little girl my mum made for us a perfect little world in which we grew up in mum and dad had married in 1960 they had met at the Totenham royal in London dad was on leave from the merchant navy and mummy went dancing regularly mummy often told us how daddy had boasted that he'd had dates with 3 other women that evening and he'd turned up for her us girls found it highly amusing that mummy said what a shame he'd turned up for her and that is how our lives were full of laughter and funny little happenings mummy and daddy have continued rowing over the years but they were always funny rows nothing serious apart from once the terrible row that really scared me at age 3 but that was the only one that was serious and i think after that mummy said she prayed that she wouldn't love him any more ,but they've always stuck together over the years .mummy moved out of there bedroom when i was about 2 or 3 one of the reasons was cause i had wet the bed i still can picture the big stain i think its still there anyhow daddy told her to get out and since that day she never went back to the bed it was always known as daddy's room and over the years he has always had a double bed to himself mummy slept in our room for a time when we was young me and Laura shared a room i had the bed near the window and Laura by the cupboard which was filled with loads of books and annuals mummy slept in between our beds in her sleeping bag sometimes she slept at the end of the beds we both had a cast iron bed each these were extremely heavy we didn't have duvets or quilts it was tightly tucked in sheets with blankets and mummy had made eiderdowns for both beds we had teddy bear wall paper had that right till i was about 16 mummy always read to us sometimes it was the children's bible ,paddinton bear ,pookie or other stories she was all for us children she has always been a great mum.Daddy always worked not that he wanted to mind you through out our growing up years he was always a dustman he worked for Sutton council thous were the days when the dustman had to carry the metal bins on there backs but daddy soon had the drivers seat in the dustcart he sat there while the other men did the work he was always home by 2 0r 3pm because he worked in the posher areas of Carshalton and Sutton and Roundshore he would often bring us nice things home from the bins i never forget one day when we came home from Woodside juniors mummy said there was an Aladdin's cave upstairs we rushed up all excited and in the bedroom was jewels every where loads of pearl necklaces all different colours,beads,bracelets ,everywhere you looked was jewelry apparently daddy had emptied a shops bins there was so many things he bought home mummy used to get real annoyed sometimes and we found it funny when mummy told us he'd even bought home someone Else's pants,these little stories and amusements went along way to make a very happy and nostalgic childhood for me and my sister

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