Wednesday 17 March 2010


This is the first day of my blogg so you might as well know something about me im 47 i live in a villiage in England ive been married for coming up 28 years its been rough going but we are still together after many challenges in life especially the children we are still alive and have many added grey hairs i started dying mine last year i hate grey hair in women its fine in men i have artritis in both knees so life is painfull and difficult for me at times well all the time i have to live with it, i do yoga though so that keeps me going you know mind ,body & soul so to i go to church im going to be damn right honest in my blogg someone recently told me to be truthfull i think they thought i was a bit of a liar but i wasnt i geuss i gave them the total wrong impression of myself i like to think of myself as a decent honest and sincere person and most of the time i am but i do make mistakes as everyone does please forgive me when i do. well this is my first day & introduction to my self i hope you enjoy reading my privacy

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